Operative Orthopaedics
Campbell Clinic is known internationally because its founder,
Dr. Willis C. Campbell, wrote the first orthopaedics textbook.
Campbell’s Operative Orthopaedics, originally published in 1939, is updated every four to seven years and has been translated into seven languages.

The Bible of Orthopaedic Surgery
Did you know the Campbell name was known around the world?
Well, it started with Dr. Willis C. Campbell. More than 80 years ago, Dr. Campbell wrote down his vast knowledge of orthopaedics in what became Campbell’s Operative Orthopaedics. Published in 1939, it was the first orthopaedics textbook ever written. Since then, this book has been updated and revised by Campbell
Clinic physicians every four to seven years, translated into seven languages and used by physicians and medical professionals around the world.
Campbell’s Operative is now considered
“the bible of orthopaedic surgery.”
The 14th edition, published in 2021, contains more than 4,000 illustrated pages that describe almost 1,900 surgical procedures. Included is a digital format that shows how to perform more than 40 operative procedures.
The Campbell Clinic Foundation provides all research, editorial, graphics and administrative support for the publication, which is written by Campbell Clinic surgeons.
Edited by Dr. Frederick M. Azar and Dr. James H. Beaty,
the book’s purpose remains as Dr. Campbell intended: provide comprehensive information for orthopaedic specialists to learn, understand and provide excellent best-in-class patient care.

Campbell’s Operative Orthopaedics 14th Edition
Order by Telephone: 1-800-545-2522
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Order on ElsevierHealth.com
“Because many surgeons, here and abroad, depend on Campbell’s Operative Orthopaedics to bring them the best information to help them treat their patients, our staff members feel an obligation to make every edition the best it can be.”
Dr. S. Terry Canale
Campbell Clinic, co-editor of 13th edition