Partners in Orthopaedic Research
Campbell Clinic and Campbell Clinic Foundation are partners in conducting orthopaedic research studies with the goal of improving patient care and advancing knowledge. We work with dozens of leading healthcare and scientific institutions around the world in all orthopaedic subspecialties. Our impact is felt at home and around the world.
Currently, we facilitate more than 140 active research studies ranging from retrospective record review to randomized clinical trials. Campbell Clinic is a valued partner in industry-funded, collaborative and study group research studies.
We track productivity by evaluating our clinicians, fellows and residents contributions to peer-reviewed publications and presentations at medical society meetings. With the exceptional leadership of the Campbell Foundation Research Committee (CFRC), study volume and depth continue to expand year over year.
Leaders in Research
Congratulations to our Campbell Clinic Investigators for their recent recognition in their respective sub-specialty fields:
Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America, Best Clinical Science Research Paper Winner, 2024
David D. Spence, MD and the FACTS (Function After Adolescent Clavicle Trauma and Surgery) Study Group, Outcomes Following Operative vs. Nonoperative Treatment of Completely Displaced MidShaft Clavicle Fractures in Adolescent Baseball Player and Other Overhead Athletes
American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons, Charles S. Neer Award, 2023
Thomas W. Throckmorton, MD, William P. Polio, MD, Blake Hajek, MD, Tyler J. Brolin, MD, William M. Mihalko, MD, PhD, Kunat Singhal, PT, PhD, Shannon Hughes PT, DPT, EdD, OCS, MCT, Alexis Nelson Tranum, Tristan Hayes, MSc, Chi-Yang Chiu, PhD, David L. Bernholt, MD, Frederick M. Azar, MD
Muscle Activation Patterns during Active External Rotation after Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty: An Electrophysicological Study of the Teres Minor and Associated Musculature
American Association Hip and Knee Surgeons Clinical Research Award, 2023
Mateo J. Kirwan, MD, Zachary R. Diltz, MD, Derek T. Dixon, BS, Carlos A Rivera-Peraza, BS, William M. Mihalko, MD, PhD, James W. Harkess, MD, James L. Guyton, MD, John R. Crockarell, MD, Marcus C. Ford
Postoperative Oral Tranexamic Acid in Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Each year we publish a journal, Campbell Orthopaedic Journal, highlighting the research of our graduating Residents and Staff Physicians.

Campbell Clinic Foundation Research Opportunities
We are committed to fostering interest in and understanding of clinical research by inspiring the next generation of medical professionals to pursue research in field.
Campbell Clinic Foundation Research Scholar Program
Since 2019, the Campbell Clinic Foundation has offered a “gap year” program for young professionals interested in medical careers to engage in clinical research. This paid, year-long experience, with an option to renew for an additional year, gives Scholars extensive hands-on experience in study design, data collection and analysis, literature review, institutional review and approvals, patient enrollment and study visit completion and manuscript preparation.
Current job opportunities listed here. Search “Research Scholar”
Medical Student Research Experience
The Campbell Clinic Foundation medical student volunteer service program offers UTHSC-Memphis medical students in-depth exposure to orthopaedic clinical research, with the guidance of orthopaedic surgeons, residents and fellows. This program introduces students to research and academic experiences early in their medical training that they might not otherwise have during medical school. Students will be matched with a subspecialty research team and work directly with Campbell Clinic and Campbell Clinic Foundation staff with roles assigned based on current study needs and per research study protocol.
Campbell Orthopaedic Journal
The Campbell Orthopaedic Journal is a once-yearly publication produced by the Campbell Clinic Foundation. It features the newest research articles by our graduating class of resident physicians and highlights the Campbell Residency program and staff and resident research efforts from the previous year.