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Residency Interns Discuss “Why Campbell?”

Since 1924, the UTHSC-Campbell Clinic Orthopaedic Surgery Residency has trained physicians who serve patients and communities throughout the world. This intensive five-year program enrolls eight physicians each year for a total of 40 residents.

We visited with two interns, or first-year residents, to familiarize you with our program: Robert Neel, MD, a Memphis native who attended medical school at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, and Stanley Eboh, MD, a Toronto, Ontario, Canada native, who attended Texas Tech University Health Science Center.

What inspired you to pursue orthopaedic surgery?

Eboh: As an athlete, orthopaedics was always around me, as were injuries! The pathology, rehabilitation and recovery process fascinated me and piqued my interest in orthopaedics very early. When I was 15 years old, my mom decided to go to medical school, and she further inspired my interest in medical specialization.

Neel: I find gratification in taking care of others, and there are endless opportunities to do so in orthopaedic surgery. Whether it is an acute fracture or chronic degenerative joint disease, orthopaedic surgeons relieve patients from pain, provide an increase in functionality, and improve patients’ livelihoods.

What appealed to you most about the Campbell Clinic program?

Eboh: First and foremost, the emphasis on operative experience is second to none—it’s what distinguishes this program. Second, Campbell Clinic has garnered worldwide respect for superior training, clinical and industry leadership and the opportunities available after residency. Third, the camaraderie is obvious. It’s comforting and reassuring to have a strong support system.

Neel: Campbell Clinic initially appealed to me because of the rich history, strong reputation, and top-tier surgical training. As a medical student at UTHSC, I worked with Campbell staff and residents, which allowed me to get a realistic feel for the strong relationships and teamwork. I am fortunate to be a member of the Campbell Clinic family.

Dr. Eboh, many residents say they love the unique Campbell residency “operative” experience. Explain what that means.

Campbell offers exceptional hands-on experience and training in the operating room, particularly at Regional One Health. The model is challenging—and it often requires you to work through the night—but you accumulate exceptional skills and gain far more exposure and experience. Ultimately, this makes you more confident and comfortable dealing with complex situations throughout your medical career.

Dr. Neel, you have a poster to present at the Mid-America Orthopaedic Society Annual Meeting. How did this opportunity arise your intern year?

I will present a poster for a shoulder study led by Dr. David Bernholt. I began working on this project during medical school, and I contributed to data collection, manuscript writing, and now the poster production and presentation. It has been a great experience to see our hard work on a study come to fruition.

Learn more about the UTHSC-Campbell Clinic Residency at CampbellResidency.com!

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