Alumni Giving
Your gift ensures Campbell Clinic Foundation excellence for years to come
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Legacy Giving
Become a part of the Campbell Clinic Foundation Legacy Society today
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We believe mobility is the foundation of health.

You already know that your life can change for the better because of the compassionate, leading-edge orthopaedic care you experienced at the Campbell Clinic. Maybe you’re back to walking your dog every morning. Back to work, pain-free. Or back to training for your next 5K.

At the Campbell Clinic Foundation, we train the physicians and fund the research that keeps Campbell orthopaedic care on the leading edge, and keeps you moving forward. We also work to make sure everyone in our community has access to that same excellent orthopaedic care.

Your gifts advance orthopaedic research, expand education and give people around the world access to high-quality health care.

Thank you for giving generously.

Thank you for MOVING LIVES

Ways to Give

Alumni Giving

As an alum of Campbell Clinic, you know better than anyone the incredible value of the orthopaedic excellence we teach and practice together, in Memphis and around the world.

Now is your chance to be sure that excellence continues well into the future, with a generous gift to the Campbell Clinic Foundation.

What you guarantee with your gift is that the unique culture of the clinic will be waiting for future generations of orthopaedic surgeons, researchers and patients.

As Dr. Marcus Stewart (1911-2007), a leader in our field who trained under Dr. Campbell, said in a 1981 Campbell Clinic graduation speech:

“I want you all to realize that (your) accomplishments are really a small part of the great heritage of this institution. … This institution has left (you) a greater gift, and that is an immeasurable heritage of honesty and integrity. These giants of orthopaedics who developed this clinic have also been giants of the human race. You will not learn and inherit from them just technical knowledge, but a quality of life, of tolerance, of justice, of self-respect, and even of reverence that so permeates their teaching that it will stimulate and sustain you throughout life.”

THANK YOU for your practice excellence, your support of the Campbell Clinic Foundation, and for being part of the Campbell Clinic community.

We are very grateful.

Legacy Giving

You’re already a dedicated and generous friend to the Campbell Clinic Foundation. You value your relationship with your physician and the leading-edge treatment you find at our clinic. You and even your family know that care has given you freedom from pain or freedom to move.

Now you can guarantee that your commitment to MOVING LIVES lasts for generations when you name the Campbell Clinic Foundation in your will.

To honor and thank you for your decision, you will become part of the Campbell Clinic Foundation Legacy Society, a special group of donors whose gifts sustain and enhance our practice, education and research for years to come.

We encourage you to consult your financial advisor and Jenny Koltnow, Executive Director, at the Campbell Clinic Foundation to discuss the details of your gift.

On behalf of those trainees, patients and partners who will benefit from your generosity in the future, Thank you.


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