Featured: Foundation News

Footprints in Motion: Meet Our Hosts, Molly & Daniel Shumate

Written by: Jenny Koltnow, Executive Director

Since 2014, Molly and Daniel Shumate have been the Co-Chairs of the Campbell Clinic Foundation’s signature fundraiser, Footprints in Motion. We’re so grateful for their leadership and generosity over the last seven years!

What inspired you to start Footprints in Motion?

We wanted to serve and contribute to a pressing need. When first approached about donating, we asked what the Foundation could use, and immediately, the international elective caught our attention. This program gives our UT-Campbell Clinic residents an opportunity to provide medical care in impoverished countries. We loved the servant aspect of it, because it really matched our beliefs.  We then created the Molly Shumate Scholarship to support this medical mission program and later, engaged others in supporting this initiative.

What do you wish more people knew about the Campbell Clinic Foundation?

The Foundation does so many things, from community outreach to research and education.  What we love the most about the Foundation is that while it helps in various ways to directly benefit many people, it has a tremendous impact on so many people we will never meet.  Whether it’s someone training with Campbell’s Operative to become an orthopedic surgeon in Tanzania, physicians providing foot care to the homeless at Memphis Union Mission or patients treated in Franklin, Tennessee when a resident returns home after graduation, the Foundation impacts care for so many. 

Footprints has been very successful in fueling community outreach programs! What growth or new programs are you most excited to see grow?

We are really excited to see the growth of the Campbell Clinic Foundation’s Center of Excellence for Cerebral Palsy Care and Research, otherwise known as “the CP Center.”  Modeled after the top centers in the country, the CP Center runs in partnership with Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital to give patients and their families easy access and coordinated care.  There is tremendous potential to grow and develop this into a nationally-recognized center. 

How can people support this year’s virtual events?

You can support the event by logging into the online auction and bidding on items.  There are a lot of great items to bid on, from a stay at Blackberry Farm to local restaurant experiences, plus you can contribute to Fund-a-Need if you prefer to cover costs for specific Foundation programs and services. 

Anything else you want people to know?

We have been so happy to be able to help serve.  It’s our hope that you would reach out to the Foundation, learn about the many great things they are doing and find ways to get involved and support this great organization. 

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