Since 2019, the Campbell Clinic Foundation has offered a “gap year” program for young professionals interested in medical careers to engage in clinical research. This paid, year-long experience, with an option to renew for an additional year, gives Scholars extensive hands-on experience in study design, data collection and analysis, literature review, institutional review and approvals, patient enrollment and study visit completion and manuscript preparation.
Meet Chase Hunter, B.A.
She joined the Campbell Clinic Foundation in July 2023 after graduating from Wake Forest University this past spring.
In her own words: Although I’ve only been here two months, my knowledge of both orthopaedics and patient care has already grown exponentially. Collaborating with the rest of the research team on projects in various subspecialties has taught me the intricacies of the research process including (but not limited to) IRB approval, study design and consenting patients.
Meet Tori Coble, D.O.
She joined Campbell Clinic Foundationin June 2023 after attending Lincoln Memorial University-DeBusk College of Osteopathic Medicine and The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.
In her own words: Aside from learning clinical-based care while shadowing multiple subspecialties, I have been interpreting imaging of both the shoulder and foot/ankle. This has increased my knowledge of the important measurements and classification types used for preoperative planning. Additionally, this position requires continued study of current literature which has bolstered my knowledge of surgical techniques and respective pathophysiologies.