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More than 100 individuals at Memphis Union Mission received foot care from foot and ankle specialists

Proper foot care is an integral part of an individual’s overall wellness. But access to high-quality, specialized foot and ankle care isn’t available to everyone. Oftentimes, the people who need it the most face the most significant challenges in receiving care. This is why we’ve sponsored the work of Our Hearts to Your Soles for nearly two decades in Memphis.

In mid-November, we hosted the 17th annual Our Hearts to Your Soles clinic at Memphis Union Mission, led by Dr. David Richardson. More than 100 clients received individualized foot care, several pairs of socks, new shoes and care packages. Five Campbell Clinic foot and ankle surgeons, two orthopaedic surgery foot and ankle fellows and one resident provided foot care. Additionally, seven medical students from UTHSC volunteered.

The mission of this national nonprofit perfectly aligns with the Campbell Clinic Foundation – leveraging strategic community outreach to provide people experiencing housing insecurity and homelessness access to high-quality orthopaedic services. For many of the people we serve through this sponsorship, meaningful foot care can significantly improve their quality of life. When walking is your primary transportation, tending to your extremities means decreasing pain and increasing mobility.

To accompany the physical exams, organizations and individuals in Memphis and beyond came together to provide additional essential supplies. More than 500 pairs of socks were donated by Campbell Clinic employees from its annual sock drive. Red Wing Shoes donated more than 100 pairs of shoes, with 25 additional pairs donated by the Campbell Clinic Foundation. Campbell Clinic cast tech, Angel Agus, and her daughter, Tylar, baked, assembled and distributed fresh homemade cookies for the 16th year. Additionally, Danny Freeman and Audrey Tilsen of Freeman-Tilsen Crye-Leike assembled more than 150 care packages for clinic participants.

Community outreach is one of the central pillars of the Campbell Clinic Foundation’s work. By providing orthopaedic care to people who can’t traditionally receive it, we’re transforming lives and, in turn, our community.

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